
When Kelley and John’s adopted daughters showed symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, they wanted to do whatever they could to help them heal. Now thanks to your support, they are getting the resources they need.

   Kelley and her husband John opened their home to provide foster care for children. They were caring for two sisters, JJ*, age 8 and Nicki*, age 7, who both suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Kelley and John fell in love with the girls and decided to adopt them.

  “We are very happy and lucky to have them,” said Kelley.

   JJ and Nicki were in foster care for over five years before they were adopted. They moved between different foster homes, and lived in motels and homeless shelters. They suffered from abuse and as a result have emotional stress.

   JJ in particular needed more than just therapy. Kelley was recommended by Community Mental Health to get the SED (Serious Emotional Disturbance) Waiver for Highfields’ Wraparound Program. The SED Waiver provides services for children through age 20 with serious emotional disturbances.

   Highfields' Wraparound Facilitator Erika Phillips works with Kelley and her family, friends, and other professionals to identify JJ’s needs and goals. She works with the team to provide services and resources for the family.

  “Wraparound has helped our family very much,” said Kelley. “It’s helping us get through paperwork, health insurance…things I’ve never had to deal with before. They are my greatest resource.”

   Erika helped get an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) for JJ to help customize education for her specific needs and behavioral issues. She also helped send JJ and Nicki to Sierra Rose Horse Camp in Lansing through use of Highfields’ campership funds for children with special needs.

   “JJ and Nicki had never been to camp before so this was a whole new experience for them,” said Kelley. “Animals help to calm them down and open up about past hurts.”

   Kelley is hopeful that her daughters will continue to heal from their past and feel confident about having a permanent life.

   “In the past year I’ve seen my daughters change,” said Kelley. “They are much calmer and feel more confident in themselves.”

*Names have been changed

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