Only six months in the role of Multisystemic Therapy (MST) Supervisor, Morgan was blindsided by the worldwide quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’m being pushed to be more creative with problem solving,” said Morgan. “I’ve learned how to stay true to the MST model while remaining considerate and empathetic to every client’s unique situation.”

Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is a treatment program designed to serve youth ages 12-17 in their community by breaking the cycle of antisocial behavior keeping youth safely at home, in school and out of trouble, while increasing parent’s skills and resources to manage behavior more effectively.

Being a new MST Supervisor at Highfields, Morgan strives to be a positive leader for her team. She wants her team to feel confident, safe and secure while still providing counseling to families in need.

“Morgan has managed to ride many waves,” said Becky Womboldt, Director of Quality and Education. “Including changes in leadership at the court, moving to telehealth, and supporting families as well as her team during the COVID-19 situation.”

Morgan has helped her team create strategies for overcoming barriers during the COVID-19 crisis by creating items like gift baskets for clients with essential items, activities, and hand-written notes from therapists.

She meets with her team on a weekly basis to provide a sense of unity as each person shares their experiences of working in this environment. Morgan respects each team member’s situation during the pandemic to help offer hope and create confidence in their ability to continue assisting clients.

“MST is unbelievably rewarding,” said Morgan. “Especially during this time of crisis, it’s important to stay connected with family, friends and co-workers to maintain the well-being of our mental health.”

With help from her MST Supervisor, Lori Bargesser, Vice President Tim Monroe, and Director of Quality and Education, Becky Womboldt, she is thankful for the genuine support to grow personally and professionally.

“Helping others is the most important thing we can do in life,” said Morgan. “So, finding my calling at Highfields was a beautiful coincidence.”

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