Before Highfields came along, Stacy and her son, Logan, didn’t know how to communicate without arguing. Thanks to your support, they are working on their communication skills and rebuilding their relationship.

   Last year, Stacy and her family moved to a new home in a new school district. This created a lot of stress for her oldest child, 15-year-old Logan.

   Stacy started seeing changes in him. He was hanging out with the wrong crowd, not focusing in school, and making bad decisions. Stacy and Logan argued constantly and didn’t know how to communicate with each other.

   Logan got into serious trouble last year and was arrested. Logan and Stacy were referred to Highfields’ Multisystemic Therapy Program (MST), an evidence-based treatment program that addresses the systems that impact juvenile offenders (such as their homes, families, schools, etc.).

   Highfields’ Therapist Addie Lanterman worked with Stacy to create rules for Logan to help him stay on the right track with school, work and his home life. Logan wasn’t used to following the rules, and didn’t know how it would go.

   “I had to adjust at first,” said Logan. “But ever since MST came, the plans have actually worked for me. It gives me a clear picture of what I need to do.”

   Stacy agrees, “Logan is driven once he has that goal and that plan in front of him. He follows it, instead of me nagging him, and then getting into an argument.”

   Logan feels safer with the support of Addie and the MST program. The rules have helped him manage his free time so he’s not tempted to get into trouble.

   “MST has really been that saving hope for me,” said Logan. “I’m not in the dark anymore, and I feel happier than I used to.”

   Stacy and Logan’s relationship is still a work in progress, but their hard work is already paying off.

   “Our relationship is a lot better and we’re getting closer every day,” said Stacy. “We’re not perfect and we never will be, but I’m not looking for perfection. I think it’s a balance.”


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