Javid is a teenager who found himself getting into trouble. At home, he was interested in football and basketball. However, conflicts at home withheld him from enjoying these things. After his parent’s divorce, Javid and his siblings were placed in a foster home. Once his mother found a place to live, he moved in with her.

Javid noticed his brother was making money and decided he wanted to do the same. He got together with some friends and started making money illegally. This decision would prove to be the wrong one, as Javid found himself in juvenile corrections. After spending time in juvenile corrections, Javid was referred to Highfields.

“I felt good about coming to Highfields,” said Javid.

Javid’s biggest struggle of being in placement is not having the freedom he once had.

Javid said he enjoys some of the benefits of Highfields, especially when the residential students were able to go see a jazz concert for Black History Month. “I really enjoyed the jazz music, and I actually found it relaxing,” said Javid.

Highfields is proud to have a residential program that can be a safe haven for youth like Javid. It is our goal to strengthen, stabilize, and empower children and families so that they can make the right decisions moving forward.

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