A Team Effort

Resilient. Hard-working. Persistent. Alicia falls under each category. She is thriving with her children and building a brighter future for them every day. 

Looking back, Alicia has overcome many obstacles in her life. She is a former addict – now two years sober. She lost her child to foster care – now he is back in her care. She moved to a new city, and faced challenges with childcare, housing, and employment. Thanks to the support of Highfields, Alicia is in a much better place today. 

Alicia was referred to Highfields’ Family Reunification Program earlier this year after her son was placed back in her care. She worked with Highfields’ Counselors Kelly Corbett, Theresa Wilson, and Erin Lampani, to help stabilize her through the chaos. 

“It was a big process. It was overwhelming how much I had to do,” said Alicia. 

The process included searching for housing, applying for benefits for her and her son, securing childcare, finding a doctor to assist with her health check-ups, securing food stamps, finding employment, figuring out public transportation, and more. 

While Theresa and Erin helped connect her to community services, Alicia did a lot of work herself.   

“We all worked together as a good team,” said Erin. 

Alicia got her driver’s license and felt empowered to continue her journey. 

“I felt encouraged after I got my license,” said Alicia. “Now I want to go a step further and get my GED. That way, I can get a better paying job.” 

Theresa said, “We were there for her, and just knowing that we cared, made a huge difference.”  

Thanks to Highfields, Alicia continues to overcome obstacles and adapt to changes in her life.  

“I am grateful to have met such caring, wonderful people,” said Alicia. “They motivated me and supported me to be productive and make positive changes in my life.”  

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