Angel and his family moved 2,000 miles away, from Honduras to the United States, to escape the violent cultural unrest and find a better life.

For the past 5 years, Angel struggled with a new life, new country, and bad experiences from his past. He coped with his pain by using marijuana and fighting with people around him.

“I had a hard time trusting people,” said Angel. “So, I was always cautious around new people I met.”

Angel enjoys spending time alone, especially since he feels the only person he can rely on is himself. However, being alone gives him more time and freedom to continue with his bad habits.

“When I get bored, I tend to find ways to get into trouble,” said Angel.

Angel’s life took a turn in the wrong direction when he was arrested for fighting with his mom’s boyfriend. He was referred to Highfields’ Residential Treatment Program to learn how to control his anger and turn his life around.

“Being at Highfields has taught me how to interact with others in a positive way without getting angry,” said Angel.

Thanks to Highfields, Angel is learning how to respect himself and others. He is using mindfulness and opening up in group therapy sessions with his peers and staff. He is able to express his emotions through talking calmly with others rather than lashing out.

“Angel has overcome many challenges since coming to Highfields,” said Residential Family Counselor, Gary Turner. “He has done excellent in his program.”

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