Highfields has had to adapt to the changing environment just like the rest of the world. For students part of the Residential Treatment Program, life isn’t much different, but it does have some new challenges.

Highfields’ campus is full of relatively new students, which reduces the impact of peer leadership and leads to some behavioral issues. However, Highfields’ new motto: “Same Mission – Different Strategies” encourages staff to have consistent conversations regarding new expectations, challenges students are going through, and adapting to new procedures.

The use of video technology has helped keep students engaged with their families when in-person visits aren’t possible. It helps keep students safe while still maintaining positive connections throughout their treatment.

Since campus re-opened just a few months ago, new ideas have been set in place, such as:

• Updated procedures such as daily sanitization and extra cleaning in the school, houses, and cafeteria.
• Required masks around others.
• Social distancing with face-to-face participation in school.
• Virtual family visitation.
• Modified processes and procedures such as staff, volunteer, and visitor testing before coming to campus.

As the program continues with a modified routine, it gives students a chance to settle in and focus on their growth during treatment. New rules created by the state has pivoted the program into unique directions to help students succeed. While some facilities focus on separation for safety, Highfields strives to maintain the same mission with different strategies in order to stabilize, strengthen, and empower students.

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