First comes love, and then comes marriage, a house, and kids… it’s a tale as old as time. Jenny* and her husband followed these steps and were hopeful for their future together.

Everything was going great until Jenny and her family lost their house. Her relationship with her husband became rocky, and they struggled to make ends meet. Their relationship became physical and unsafe.

Jenny was referred to Highfields’ Families Together Building Solutions where she could get the resources she needed to keep her family safe and together. She was introduced to Highfields counselor, Sherronia, who helped her find the tools to create positive communication within her family and appropriate parenting skills.

“Jenny was a unique client who not only shared her personal journey with me, but was vulnerable during her six months in the program,” said Sherronia.

After being evicted, her family split up. Jenny moved in with her parents while she attempted to heal from the violence and post-traumatic stress caused by past experiences. With the help of Highfields, she was able to find affordable housing to reunite her family.

“People like to treat those who have hardships, like myself, as just another number in a system,” said Jenny. “We’re looked down on because of the fact that sometimes life can get out of hand, but it doesn’t define a person.”

Having Highfields support allowed Jenny to remove herself from toxic situations and practice safety protocols with her children. She learned discipline strategies, active listening, and conflict resolution techniques. She learned how to practice empathy through activities and lessons.

“It was an amazing experience to see the benefit that Highfields has made in their lives,” said Sherronia.
Jenny’s experience with Highfields helped put her situation into perspective and give her a voice.

“Thanks to Highfields, I’ve vowed to never allow my past to define me and make me into something I’m not,” said Jenny.

*Name changed

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