At just 3 years old, Aidan exhibited mental health issues that affected his speech, behavior, and development. Now age 7, he is diagnosed with Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, a childhood condition of extreme irritability, anger, and frequent, intense temper outbursts.

   “Aidan can be violent and destructive, but also sweet, caring and loving,” said Debbie, Aidan’s mother. “It’s draining and sometimes I need a break.”

   Debbie was referred to Highfields’ Wraparound Program through LifeWays Community Mental Health. Wraparound provides community-based support and individualized planning for children with severe emotional and behavioral disorders and their families. Through special donor support, Wraparound was able to help Debbie send Aidan and his sister Isis, age 5, to camp.

   “So much time, effort, and money goes into Aidan’s care and there’s not much left over for Isis,” said Debbie. “I feel like she misses out on a lot, so I was extremely happy when I found out she could have a normal childhood experience.”

   Aidan and Isis attended Day Camps through the YMCA in Jackson. They’ve been to water parks, science museums, zoos, and theme parks across the state.

   “Without the donated campership, I couldn’t afford to send them to one week of camp,” said Debbie.

   With the kids at camp, Debbie gets to enjoy a much deserved break.

   “The other night before camp Aidan didn’t sleep at all and neither did I,” she said. “I was so tired I could barely stand. After I dropped him off at camp I came home and took a nap. Having that time really means a lot.”


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