There are so many benefits to Family Treatment Weekends. Bringing families together and strengthening relationships is what Highfields is all about! Read on to learn more about this impactful summer program.

   Every year, Highfields’ residential staff put their minds together to create an exciting and memorable Family Treatment Weekend.

   “We try to think of activities that incorporate family fun and problem solving,” said Chris Jurasek, Residential Services Manager. “It’s important that families have fun while they’re here because it puts everyone in a good mood and helps them open up.”

   This year they had a few new ideas, printing t-shirts for each family member and renting an inflatable dart board to play games on!

   The activities helped student George relax around his family. George and his brother, Tyler, argue sometimes, but during Family Treatment Weekend they played together and actually had a great time.

   “It’s good to see George and Tyler not arguing for once,” said George’s father, George Sr. “They’re having too much fun to argue!”

   Part of the weekend is also dedicated to therapy sessions and parent education.

   “The parent education session helps parents to interrelate with one another,” said Chris Robinson, Residential Services Director. “In supporting one another they become open to different techniques they can use when parenting
their teens.”

   Several of the parents benefited from the class and felt a little relieved to hear from other parents who were in the same situation. 

   “I realized that we’re not alone,” said Daniel’s mother, Crystal. “It’s nice to meet other parents and talk about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to raising our kids.”

   George Sr. agrees, “I liked connecting with other parents and the staff. Mr. Robinson helped us lighten up and open up to each other about our problems and share solutions.”

   We are so grateful for the families who participated in our program. Stay tuned to see what’s in store for next year!


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