Nan Norwood is a Highfields Board Member who is wrapping up her 6-year term.  She was first introduced to Highfields after college when she worked as a Residential Counselor in Onondaga. After a short time with Highfields, Nan utilized her sociology degree by becoming a probation officer and worked her way up through the Department of Corrections. Eventually, Nan was named deputy warden of a local Michigan prison, before retiring at age 53.  

Nan was reunited with Highfields when a friend of hers, Linda Sims, recommended her to Highfields’ President and CEO Brian Philson, to be on the Board of Directors. Nan began her 6-year term on the board back in 2018 and is set to finish this year. “I’ll still be involved I’m sure, and I definitely won’t miss a golf outing,” said Nan.  

Nan is a part of the Golf and Fund Development Committees and enjoys playing a role in both. She has a heart for the Residential Program where she used to work and make a difference. 

“I love the Residential Program,” said Nan. “I think they do a great job with all of the activities and programs for the boys and instilling confidence in young men who need it most.” 

When asked about what she hopes for the future of Highfields, Nan said, “I want Highfields to be able to help as many families as possible but have the power to control what they can take on.”  

Highfields is blessed to have board members like Nan, who are invested in our mission of stabilizing, strengthening, and empowering children and families.  

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