What are some of your favorite things to do in Michigan in the summer?  Go to a Tigers Game? Spend the day at Michigan’s Adventure? Visit the State Capital? How about all of the above?

   These are just a few of the exciting activities our students have been able to do this summer.

   “I feel special,” said student Tyree. “A lot of kids don’t get the chance to see these things. Even though I’m in placement, it’s nice to get rewarded.”

   Student Dacorius had never been to a Detroit Tigers game before.

   “I’ve seen games on TV,” he said. “But it was a totally new experience seeing it happen live. I liked walking around the ball park and getting concessions too!”

   Students have also taken art classes at Schuler Arts in Albion, culinary classes at the Capital Area Career Center in Mason, and visited the Detroit Zoo.

   “It’s important that we remember our clients are kids and need to enjoy positive experiences,” said Chris Robinson, Residential Services Director.  “This allows them to develop a wider view outside themselves and their natural environment.”            

   Besides traveling across the state, a lot of great things have been happening this summer on campus too.

   We hosted three Family Treatment Weekends where parents, siblings, and students come to campus to spend time together as a family. The goal is to bring families together for a weekend of education, therapy and fun!

   Whether in Onondaga, Lansing, or Detroit, we try to enrich our students’ lives as much as possible, and help them be more open to new experiences.


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