
   “Looking back, I’m glad I was sent to Highfields,” said Mike. “I do credit Highfields for helping me turn my life around.”

   Today, Mike is a 28 year-old happily married father of two. He has a steady job, a house, and a positive outlook on the future. He seems like he has life all figured out, but that wasn’t always the case.

   When Mike was 14 years old he was a rebellious teenager. He skipped school, hung out with the wrong crowd and disobeyed his parents. He was caught committing a crime of breaking and entering and was sent to Highfields.  


   Mike was a student in Highfields Residential Program for 15 months and during that time he learned how to make better choices. He listened to the staff and focused on becoming a leader in his house. He completed the phases of the program and re-entered the community as a changed young man.

   But it wasn’t easy. At first, Mike faced challenges and struggled to get rid of bad influences. He realized that if he wanted to continue moving in the right direction he needed to completely change his life.

   “After Highfields I was still trying to find my place in the world and it was tough,” said Mike. “There was a time when I didn’t really hang out with anybody. I just kept to myself and worked, and that was best for me.”

   Mike used the tools he learned at Highfields to stay out of trouble. He graduated high school, and then earned an Associate’s Degree in Business.

   “I don’t know where I would be now if it wasn’t for Highfields,” said Mike. “Most of the acquaintances that I went to school with are either in jail, have a drug addiction, or have died because they tried to take the easy way out in life.”

   Mike continues to use lessons he learned from Highfields about leadership to set a good example for his children.

   “I still think back on the lessons I learned and apply them to my life today,” said Mike. “I’m grateful for what I have now and I’m happy that Highfields helped me change for the better.”

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