During counseling with Highfields, despite their hard work, David and Jennifer experienced unemployment and struggled to provide for their family. Here’s why your support matters.

   One of the biggest problems Highfields’ clients face is financial stability and they struggle to meet basic needs.

   During counseling with Highfields, David and Jennifer experienced financial hardships that affected their whole family, including their three children, and a baby on the way.

   David lost his job. Jennifer, during the late months of pregnancy, was unable to work. Their stove broke, their furniture was in bad shape, and on top of everything, it happened during the holidays.

   “We were struggling,” said Jennifer. “It was a really difficult time.”

   Thanks to supportive donors like you, Jennifer and David were able to make it through.

   Their two teenage children received $25 Meijer Gift Cards thanks to donations made on Giving Tuesday.

   “We weren’t able to do much for the kids this year,” said Jennifer. “The gift cards we received from donors were nice because they were able to pick something out for themselves.”

   Highfields also helped make sure their younger son received toys from a local toy drive. 

   In January, Dart Container donated furniture to families involved in Highfields’ counseling programs. Jennifer and David received a queen bed, dresser, couch, recliner, and kitchen chairs.

   “The family was in tears over the generous donations,” said Julie Culp, their Highfields counselor. “It replaced furniture that was falling apart, and bed that was full of springs poking through.”

   Because of these resources, the family was able to continue working on their counseling goals – to communicate better, work on anger and emotional challenges, learn nurturing parenting skills, learn how to budget, and be good role models.

   “They work hard every visit and have made so many positive changes,” said Julie.

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